Hold My Beer... with Christine Fisher

This week MG is saving a seat for her guest Christine Fisher! Friends from when they were in the beer industry (and now both can no longer drink beer) they discuss navigating through the world with their food allergies & intolerances and the anxiety that comes along for the ride, and most importantly their journey to prioritizing their mental health and self-care.

In this episode, MG and Christine talk candidly about their mental and physical health and their journey on finding answers, even when the results were difficult to process.

Topics Include:

🍺 The “Before Times” which for us means when we could drink beer (spoiler alert - we no longer can!)
🍺 The Mental, Physical, and Emotional Effects of Recurring Allergy and Intolerance Issues
🍺 Dealing with the Diagnosis - Next steps with ADHD and Autism
🍺 Christine’s Experience as a Quizzo Host with the Mission to Continue Bringing People Together

About Christine

Christine Fisher (she/her) is a Philly native and serves as the Program Manager of Wharton Leadership Ventures, a co-curricular program that teaches leadership through immersive wilderness and paramilitary experiences. She is also currently studying towards a Masters in Environmental Studies at Penn. Christine came to Wharton from the hospitality industry, and prior to that, non-profit fundraising and event-planning. One of her greatest passions in life involves getting people together in shared space so that great things can happen. She is an avid runner, frequently travels to New Orleans, loves to read non-fiction, and to spend time in the woods or on the water.

Connect with Christine on Instagram and Linkedin.

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A byVesta Production.

MG Hodge