In Defense of the Dissertation 308 with Dr. Michael Sheridan

For our final episode of Season 3, we’re kicking it old school. We’re switching back to a classic interview style with a fellow academic, Dr. Michael Sheridan.

Dr. Mike and I have known each other since we were in graduate school in the STHM program at Temple University. We ran into each other at an event honoring the incredible Dr. Betsy Barber, and I would learn that Mike had JUST become Dr. Mike, having defended his dissertation that very week. 

Following the successful defense of his dissertation on the effects of cyberbullying on student success, Dr. Mike completed his doctoral degree in higher education from the College of Education and Human Development at Temple University.

In this episode, we talk more about the difference between an EdD and a PhD, as I will be applying for my PhD over this next month!

Additional Topics Include:

  • The Academic’s Thirst for Knowledge

  • A Shared Passion for Teaching

  • Using our Real World Experience as Teachable Moments

  • The Power of Being Vulnerable and Transparent when You’re Not Okay

  • State of the Hospitality Industry and the Economics Behind It

Thanks so much for listening, and enjoy the following episode In Defense of the Dissertation 308 with Dr. Michael Sheridan.

MG Hodge