The Secret Ingredients to Service: Hustle & Communication with Will Monroe

This week we’re jumping back into the hospitality industry with my friend Will, yet another former bar manager I sold beer to back in the day but kept a friendship with over the years.

Will left bartending in mid-February 2020 with the intentions of traveling over the following months. While that clearly didn’t happen, Will shares in this episode how he’s kept afloat over these last two years, and opens up about how he personally deals with anxiety.

Topics Include:

🍽 The Impact Covid Has Had on Anxiety Levels, Especially as a Bartender

🍸 Be Honest in Your Exit Interview

🎮 How Will’s Circle of Friends Relocated from Orlando to Philly

🚲 Dating Continues to be Rough, but Now’s the Time for Fully Vaccinated Fun

🍽 Hire for Attitude, Train for Success

🍸 We Miss Destination Dogs

🎮 Willdabeast - Best Nickname EVER

Thanks so much for listening, and enjoy the following episode, The Secret Ingredients to Service: Hustle & Communication with Will Monroe.

About Will:

Will Monroe (he/him)  has been living in Philly for the last 8 years. He works at Emmy Squared as their lead server and occasionally bartends. He’s a self-professed “geek who loves video games, anime & superhero films”, and he's also a great cook. His mission is to cultivate a positive work environment through training at Emmy Squared.

Connect with Will on Instagram.

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byVesta Production.

MG Hodge